

wishing you the very best for 2006

the majority of New Years Eve and Day was spent chatting and hanging out with my good buddy BLH. i also slept and ate, but not much more.

to say that this man is deep and so totally not a product of gay cloning would be an understatement. conversations with him are refreshing and genuine and stimulating.

in chat time, we were at least a total of five hours online talking about everything...

  • in general:
    • men
    • women (well just a little)
    • ethics
    • work
    • religion
    • friendship
  • in specific:
    • sharing stories about crazy/mentally unbalanced tricks we had (men from "the kennel club")

    • waxing sentimental about and bemoaning the decline/demise of the local bathhouses
    • bringing your game while being aware thats its all just trivial fun
    • getting a whole bottle a poppers spilled on your bare chest during Tantric sex rituals
    • strategizing and conquering in the hookup battlefield
    • removing blindfolds
    • distinguishing freek vs hoe
    • riding bikes
    • bringing the assman in playaj out of the closet
    • WTF with Aberzombie clones?
    • buying clothes
    • defining 'flabby'
    • healing shin splints
    • living in military housing
    • avoiding the omnipresent tweeker/partier
    • realizing that its not the party favor itself but the partier (there are some benefits)
    • monitoring the constantly changing rules about hooking up
    • using sex as a weapon - dangerous, but effective if used responsibly
    • assessing companionship and intimacy vs sex and physical self-gratification
    • spending less time online chasing tail
    • forgiving others
    • gaining skills at topping & bottoming
    • having CA vs TX residency
    • reading and creative writing
    • finding your voice in your style
    • being betrayed and hurt by so-called friends
    • determining when the fantasies of a prospective conquest are moving quicker than his real interests
    • snowing in Seattle
    • deemphasizing the material benefits of an LTR
    • thinking about buying a home in san diego just renting in san diego
    • kissing, the lost art of...
    • dealing with mental illness in the gay community

in face-to-face time, we shot the breeze on NYE from 2 to 7am (after dawn), and most of that in the parking lot of the gay eatery in San Diego Brian's throwing back a chinese chicken salad and a Laguna scramble, while sipping on hot mint tea with lemon and honey. then, on NYD, after doing the mandatory check of the the cam (defunct in 2010) at Mary's (now Urban Mo's), we met for Budweiser Selects (and an oddball Red Trolley) as well as burgers and fries served -- with a shake LOL -- by D.

gifts from the magi

well travelled and discriminating top gentlemen that we are, it was only natural that we would see booties that we recognize, even in the dim light ....

  • B...d
  • Oz...e
  • Ca...b
  • the Q
  • Sh....s
  • Ja....r
  • Gu...e

( Pat, id like to buy a vowel...)

Topics, in no particular order, included

  • men
  • coming out stories
  • pride celebrations and the circus atmosphere surrounding today's pride
  • being turned out vs just having great s*x
  • men
  • getting assertive with lousy service in restaurants without getting ethnic
  • escorting
  • men
  • drag queens
  • violations of necessary body space in a drinking establishment
  • doing whatever necessary to keep customers happy in all weather conditions
  • men

And all of this was nearly at shouting volume. My voicebox was worked at the end of the night.

in gay time, only a brief second passed

in friendship time, it was forever ... in a good way.